Thirteen Things I Would Tell My Thirteen Year Old Self...

I have a really good knack for completely blocking out any memories from before 2014 because they're all embarrassing and cringe-inducing, but just this once, I'm going to dig them all back up and go back in time to when I was still making up dances to High School Musical songs...

#1: Just because two items of clothing are the same colour, doesn't mean they match. Yes that goes for the purple hi-tops too. Also, don't go near lipstick until you're at least 16.

#2: That being said, wear what you like. There are more important things for you to waste your time caring about.

#3: The girls that currently make life miserable mean nothing to you at 18. In fact, you rarely think about them, other than smiling at them when they pass you in the street sometimes. One day, they'll smile back. All is forgotten. 

#4: You might hate your brothers now, but they end up being your best friends. Look after them. 

#5: You're not in love. Not even close. You're thirteen. You have the rest of your life to worry about that. Relax.

#6: Don't sass the teachers. You might think they're awful now, but one day you'll realise they're just doing their job in trying to get you an education. Don't make it harder for them.

#7: Don't freak out but...18 year old you has bright pink hair.

#8: Some things will get harder for you. That's life. But so many things get so much better for you, and you have so much to look forward to. Hang in there.

#9: Hold on to the people in your life right now, they become so much more important to you in time. You learn who your friends are (you'll be surprised too) and you're surprisingly close already.

#10: In a few years you're going to go roller-blading in class. You're going to be going really fast, and you're going to want to stop. You will try to use the wall to slow down. You will spot a spider at that exact moment. Whatever you do, DO NOT USE THE FIRE DOOR TO STOP YOURSELF. Those things open. You can guess the rest.

#11: Please please please don't count calories. It's dumb and unhealthy and food is made to be eaten. Don't make yourself miserable because you think your worth is defined by what you weigh.

#12: Your parents love you. You might try your hardest to ignore that, but it's true. Don't ever take that for granted.

#13: Don't post photo-shoots of you wearing sunglasses and staring out a window on the internet because you don't look cool, you look ridiculous and in five years time you will want to delete your existence. And no, you don't use them for an album cover, you use them to make yourself feel better about puberty. 

There are loads of other things that I should probably have known before learning them the hard way, but that is what growing up is about. Learning and making mistakes and creating funny memories to look back on and laugh at. I probably wouldn't be me if I hadn't gone through all of this, and for that I'm grateful, and so...

There's one more thing, that I need to keep reminding 18 year old me: things would have been easier if you'd had someone telling you this at 13, but you didn't. However, that doesn't stop you from being the person who encourages other young girls that the people who bully them now aren't going to be there forever, and that it's okay to be scared of growing up, and that they're beautiful no matter what. 

Thank you for reading, have a great weekend, and I'll see you soon! Much love x 

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